whistle-blowing policy

talenTtrust Whistle-blowing Policy

talenTtrust is deeply committed to strong governance and promotes an open and transparent environment within the organisation. This policy addresses the Board’s commitment to proper ethical behaviour where employees and other stakeholders are encouraged to report concerns without fear of reprisal or unfair treatment. Below is the related extract from our Whistle-blowing Policy:

Policy Scope

This policy covers serious concerns that could have a significant impact on the organisation. These include, but are not limited to:

(a) Criminal and/or civil offences (fraud, corruption, theft, abuse etc.);

(b) Intentional misleading preparation, evaluation and review of financial statements;

(c) Intentional non-compliance with internal financial controls and procedures;

(d) Intentional non-compliance with talenTtrust’s Data Protection Policy and improper destruction of records;

(e) Violation of talenTtrust’s conflict of interest policy; and

(f) Misconduct or unethical conduct

Roles and Responsibilities: 

The Board oversees the whistle-blowing practices in talenTtrust. The Board Audit Committee (AC) Chairperson leads investigations into all whistle-blowing reports, except in cases where the allegations are made against the chairperson or the Board Audit Committee. Investigations on reports related to the AC or the AC Chairperson will be led by the Chairman of the Board.

Confidentiality and Protection: 

talenTtrust respects the confidentiality of the whistle-blower and is committed to preserving confidentiality by ensuring that report and case information are only accessible to designated persons. While anonymous reporting is allowed, talenTtrust encourages whistle-blowers to provide their name and contact information in their reports. Subsequent investigative efforts may be hindered if no contact information is available. Where it be necessary or a legal requirement to disclose of the whistle-blower’s identity, talenTtrust must seek the whistle-blower’s consent. talenTtrust does not condone any reprisal, discrimination or harassment against whistle-blowers who report in good faith. talenTtrust is committed to protecting whistle-blowers from threats to employment and any other threats of retaliatory action. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who retaliate, harass or discriminate against whistle-blowers.

Whistle-blowing Process: 

Whistleblowers can email or write a letter regarding their concerns to:

Private and Confidential

TalentTrust Limited Audit Committee

50 Raffles Place,

#37-01, Singapore Land Tower,

Singapore 046823

email: board@talenttrust.org.sg