skills-based volunteering

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“Skills-based volunteering is about sharing your expertise”

90% of charities want help from skills-based volunteers

90% of charities want help from skills-based volunteers

24 Hours can make a huge difference and help transform a charity

24 Hours can make a huge difference and help transform a charity

93% of our mentors rate their talenTtrust projects as ‘extremely satisfying’

93% of our mentors rate their talenTtrust projects as ‘extremely satisfying’

Most people are familiar with more traditional service-based volunteering: The type where you help to paint a school or read to kids. Whilst this is always a rewarding and helpful thing to do, it can require a lot of time, and often only achieves short-term outcomes.

Skills-based volunteering allows you to put your specialist business skills to good use, offering advice and guidance to charities looking to professionalise and grow. This results in high-impact, sustainable change for the charity, and a growth in personal development for mentors.

talenTtrust projects are designed to create maximum impact in manageable blocks of time.