theory of change

problem statement

  • Capacity gaps in the social sector limit organisations’ ability to implement strategic change

  • Barrier to skills-based volunteering which limit successful outcomes


  • Project Managers - with the skills, knowledge and training to facilitate a successful cross-sector programme

  • Charities - who are ready to immerse themselves in the process

  • Mentors - who are committed and have the right skills and mindset

  • Skills Transfer Workshops

  • Our frameworks and methodology


  • We run a structured capacity building programme, with a methodology which is supported by expert corporate volunteering


  • Plans - Strategic and operational

  • Understanding and adoption of management frameworks

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Social organisations are equipped with the ability, knowledge and tools to execute their plans and achieve their objectives.


Broadened perspective through exposure to the social sector and to peers with different specialisms and industry experience. More confidence through the validation their expertise. Improved coaching skills through the experience of active listening and understanding the value of difference in a team.

Social Organisation Leaders

More confident in their skills More connected to networks that can support them More clarity on strategic priorities.


A better connected corporate and social sector through ongoing relationships and networking between mentors and social organisations.

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Social organisations are more effective in pursuing their vision and mission.