conflict of interest policy

talenTtrust Conflict of Interest Policy

talenTtrust is committed to ensuring that our Board members and staff act in the best interest of TalentTrust. Our policies and procedures are set and measures are taken to declare, prevent and address conflict of interest that could affect the integrity, fairness and accountability of TalentTrust. Below is the related extract from our Code of Governance:

Related Party Transactions

Conflicts of Interest Policy: All Board members and staff of TalentTrust shall provide a disclosure of their interests in all other organisations in which they are directors or have control or have a substantial shareholding or monetary interest to the Board when they are newly appointed and whenever there are updates. Such disclosures shall be circulated to all Board members and any potential conflict of interests documented.

Staff Appointment of Related Parties:

Appointment of paid staff, who are direct family members of Board members or other existing staff, shall be notified to and be approved by the Board, in addition to being employed only through the established human resource procedures for recruitment. Board members or paid staff shall make a declaration of such relationships and refrain from influencing decisions during the recruitment process.

Management of Conflicts of Interest: 

Where Board members have:

(a) personal interest in business transactions or contracts that TalentTrust may enter into; or

(b) vested interest in other organisations that TalentTrust has dealings with or is considering entering into joint ventures; or

(c) personal interest as its suppliers, service users, beneficiaries;

this shall be reported to the Board and recorded as soon as possible. Where a conflict of interest arises at a Board meeting, the Board member concerned shall not vote on the matter. He or she should declare his or her interest and offer to withdraw from the meeting, and the other Board members shall decide if this is required. The basis in arriving at the final decision on the transaction or contract shall be documented in the minutes of meeting.