our process
Step one! A thorough scoping process ensures that we understand the nuances of every single charity we work with as well as the challenges they would like help with; from strategic and operational planning to marketing, financial sustainability and more.
team creation
The matching! We know how critical the matching process is to the success of a project. We take care to form bespoke teams of expert business mentors with the specific skills each charity needs to help address the challenges raised in the scoping.
The foundation! Teams first learn everything they need to know about their charity partner including current capacity gaps and then work collaboratively to create an agreed roadmap for the project.
Down to Business! By leveraging the unique skills of each team member, mentors work side-by-side to lead workshops, provide tools and resources to upskill charities and co-create effective solutions that ultimately strengthens the organisation.
The crucial bit! Implementing and sustaining change takes time and effort. That’s why we continue to monitor our charities’ progress and involve teams in post-project check-ins and follow ups. With a deep connection forged over the duration of the project, enduring relationships between mentors and charities persist well beyond the life of a project.